Linndrum Sounds Eprom

Linndrum Sounds Eprom
Linndrum Sounds Eprom
Reference : 311430
Vintage Drum Machine parts :

One New sound for your vintage drum machine Linndrum (Linn Lm2). Sounds comes in one or several eproms (sort of integrated circuits that contains the soundfiles).
Price depends on the number of eprom used for the sound (some sounds use three eproms, some use one eprom...).
If you don't know exactly what linndrum sound you're looking for, listen to the mp3 samples in soundcloud:

Select the sound you want in the option menu below, you will find factory sounds, some very rare alternative sounds. Sounds from the Linndrum LM-1 are also available if you want to use them in the Linndrum ML-2.
Condition: New.

Shipping to:
France: 2,50 Euros
Europe (E.U): 3 Euros
USA/Canada: 3,90 Euros
Other countries: 3,90 Euros
2025-12-31 17.0017.00 EUR
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